A Sixties Abortion

Our Sixtiew AbortionWhat was it like getting an abortion fifty years ago? When it was illegal? And often dangerous?

Our Sixties Abortion is the true story of how two middle-class students dealt with their unplanned pregnancy in a United States split by religious dogma and restrictive laws. Told from the point of view of the young man, it presents his ordeal as part memoir and part thriller. The couple must go underground and forge new relationships, while dodging conservative parents who discourage their relationship.

Despite its topic, Our Sixties Abortion is not defeatist. Its mood is hopeful, even humorous. It features sparkling dialogue, quirky characters, and suspenseful situations. You will learn about sixties attitudes and ignorance concerning teen pregnancy, birth control, and contraception. The book captures the zeitgeist of that time, and spotlights some mainstream attitudes.

Why is their story relevant today? With recent rollbacks of state and local laws, abortion problems become relevant again. A story like Our Sixties Abortion is not only a vivid account of what was, but what could be again.

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